"When a man dwells on the objects of sense he creates an attraction for them, attraction develops into desire and desire breeds anger" -- A quote from Bhagwad Gita

Saturday, November 26, 2011


The Brick

A young and successful executive was traveling down a neighborhood street, going a bit too fast in his new Jaguar.
He was watching for kids darting out from between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something.
As his car passed, no children appeared. Instead, a brick smashed into the Jag's side door!
He slammed on the brakes and backed the Jag back to the spot where the brick had been thrown. The angry driver

then jumped out of the car, grabbed the nearest kid and pushed him up against a parked car shouting, 'What was that all about and who are you?
Just what the heck are you doing? That's a new car and that brick you threw is going to cost a lot of money Why did you do it?' The young boy was apologetic.
'Please, mister...please, I'm sorry but I didn't know what else to do,' He pleaded. 'I threw the brick because no one else would stop...'
With tears dripping down his face and off his chin, the youth pointed to a spot just around a parked car.
'It's my brother, 'he said 'He rolled off the curb and fell out of his wheelchair and I can't lift him up.'

Now sobbing, the boy asked the stunned executive, 'Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He's hurt and he's too heavy for me.'

Moved beyond words, the driver tried to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in his throat. He hurriedly lifted the handicapped boy back into the wheelchair,
then took out a linen handkerchief and dabbed at the fresh scrapes and cuts. A quick look told him everything was going to be okay.
'Thank you and may God bless you,' the grateful child told the stranger. Too shook up for words, the man simply watched the boy!
Push his wheelchair-bound brother down the sidewalk toward their home.

It was a long, slow walk back to the Jaguar. The damage was very noticeable, but the driver never bothered to repair the dented side door.
He kept the dent there to remind him of this message: 'Don't go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention!'
God whispers in our souls and speaks to our hearts. Sometimes when we don't have time to listen, He has to throw a brick at us. It's our choice to listen or not.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


The greatest distance in the world is just 14 inches..from the mind to the heart..But ..we all need our whole life to cross it.


Sometimes in life it is difficult to decide whats wrong and whats right? A lie that draws a smile or the truth that draws a tear....

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Truth is like surgery, it may hurt but it cures. And lie is like a pain killer, it gives relief at that point of time but shows its side effects later.

Monday, June 27, 2011


Nature loves to give you surprises.God loves fun. He always gives you surprises-sometimes pleasant, sometimes unpleasant. And you grow by unpleasant as well as by pleasant. In fact you grow much more by unpleasant surprises than the pleasant ones.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Good decision comes from experience, but experience comes from bad decision ..This is life..So don't worry for any mistake. Go ahead and learn from them..

Saturday, June 25, 2011


In life, all have an unspeakable secret, an irreversible regret, an unkept promise, an unheard request, an irreplacable loss, an unreachable dream, an unforgettable first love.....still, life is about being happy anyhow because everything in life can be summed up in just three words.."It Goes On".

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Anger and Love have no Limit

I wish to share Most Beautiful mail :

While a man was polishing his new car, his 4 yr old  son picked stone & scratched lines on the side of the car.
In anger, the man took the child's hand & hit  it many times, not realizing he was using an iron wrench.
At the hospital, the child lost all his fingers due to multiple fractures. When the child saw his father....
With painful eyes he asked 'Dad when will my fingers grow back?'
Man was so hurt and speechless. He went back to car and kicked it a lot of times. Devastated by his own actions.......
sitting in front of that car he looked at the scratches, child had written
The next day that man committed suicide....
Anger and Love have NO LIMIT - choose the latter to have a beautiful & lovely life....
THINGS are meant to be USED and PEOPLE are to be LOVED,
...but the problem of today's world is that....
People are used & Things are loved!!!

One can change if ONE wants to !


Dr. Abdul Kalam's Letter to Every Indian
APJ Abdul Kalam at SpeechWhy is the media here so negative?
Why are we in India so embarrassed to recognize our own strengths, our achievements?
We are such a great nation. We have so many amazing success stories but we refuse to acknowledge them. Why?
We are the first in milk production.
We are number one in Remote sensing satellites.
We are the second largest producer of wheat.
We are the second largest producer of rice.
Look at Dr. Sudarshan , he has transferred the tribal village into a self-sustaining, self-driving unit. There are millions of such achievements but our media is only obsessed in the bad news and failures and disasters.
I was in Tel Aviv once and I was reading the Israeli newspaper. It was the day after a lot of attacks and bombardments and deaths had taken place. The Hamas had struck. But the front page of the newspaper had the picture of a Jewish gentleman who in five years had transformed his desert into an orchid and a granary. It was this inspiring picture that everyone woke up to. The gory details of killings, bombardments, deaths, were inside in the newspaper, buried among other news.
APJ Abdul Kalam at Speech1In India we only read about death, sickness, terrorism, crime.. Why are we so NEGATIVE? Another question: Why are we, as a nation so obsessed with foreign things? We want foreign T.Vs, we want foreign shirts. We want foreign technology.
Why this obsession with everything imported. Do we not realize that self-respect comes with self-reliance? I was in Hyderabad giving this lecture, when a 14 year old girl asked me for my autograph. I asked her what her goal in life is. She replied: I want to live in a developed India . For her, you and I will have to build this developed India . You must proclaim. India is not an under-developed nation; it is a highly developed nation.Do you have 10 minutes? Allow me to come back with a vengeance.
Got 10 minutes for your country? If yes, then read; otherwise, choice is yours..
YOU say that our government is inefficient.
YOU say that our laws are too old.
YOU say that the municipality does not pick up the garbage.
YOU say that the phones don't work, the railways are a joke. The airline is the worst in the world, mails never reach their destination.
YOU say that our country has been fed to the dogs and is the absolute pits.
YOU say, say and say. What do YOU do about it?
Take a person on his way to Singapore . Give him a name - 'YOURS'. Give him a face - 'YOURS'. YOU walk out of the airport and you are at your International best. In Singapore you don't throw cigarette butts on the roads or eat in the stores. YOU are as proud of their Underground links as they are.. You pay $5 (approx. Rs. 60) to drive through Orchard Road (equivalent of Mahim Causeway or Pedder Road) between 5 PM and 8 PM. YOU come back to the parking lot to punch your parking ticket if you have over stayed in a restaurant or a shopping mall irrespective of your status identity… In Singapore you don't say anything, DO YOU? YOU wouldn't dare to eat in public during Ramadan, in Dubai .. YOU would not dare to go out without your head covered in Jeddah.
YOU would not dare to buy an employee of the telephone exchange in London at 10 pounds (Rs.650) a month to, 'see to it that my STD and ISD calls are billed to someone else.'YOU would not dare to speed beyond 55 mph (88 km/h) in Washington and then tell the traffic cop, 'Jaanta hai main kaun hoon (Do you know who I am?). I am so and so's son. Take your two bucks and get lost.' YOU wouldn't chuck an empty coconut shell anywhere other than the garbage pail on the beaches in Australia and New Zealand ..
Why don't YOU spit Paan on the streets of Tokyo ? Why don't YOU use examination jockeys or buy fake certificates in Boston ??? We are still talking of the same YOU. YOU who can respect and conform to a foreign system in other countries but cannot in your own. You who will throw papers and cigarettes on the road the moment you touch Indian ground. If you can be an involved and appreciative citizen in an alien country, why cannot you be the same here in India ?
APJ Abdul Kalam at Speech2In America every dog owner has to clean up after his pet has done the job. Same in Japan ..
Will the Indian citizen do that here?' He's right. We go to the polls to choose a government and after that forfeit all responsibility.
We sit back wanting to be pampered and expect the government to do everything for us whilst our contribution is totally negative. We expect the government to clean up but we are not going to stop chucking garbage all over the place nor are we going to stop to pick a up a stray piece of paper and throw it in the bin. We expect the railways to provide clean bathrooms but we are not going to learn the proper use of bathrooms.
We want Indian Airlines and Air India to provide the best of food and toiletries but we are not going to stop pilfering at the least opportunity.
This applies even to the staff who is known not to pass on the service to the public.
APJ Abdul Kalam Wings of fireWhen it comes to burning social issues like those related to women, dowry, girl child! and others, we make loud drawing room protestations and continue to do the reverse at home. Our excuse? 'It's the whole system which has to change, how will it matter if I alone forego my sons' rights to a dowry.' So who's going to change the system?
What does a system consist of? Very conveniently for us it consists of our neighbours, other households, other cities, other communities and the government. But definitely not me and YOU. When it comes to us actually making a positive contribution to the system we lock ourselves along with our families into a safe cocoon and look into the distance at countries far away and wait for a Mr.Clean to come along & work miracles for us with a majestic sweep of his hand or we leave the country and run away.
Like lazy cowards hounded by our fears we run to America to bask in their glory and praise their system. When New York becomes insecure we run to England . When England experiences unemployment, we take the next flight out to the Gulf. When the Gulf is war struck, we demand to be rescued and brought home by the Indian government. Everybody is out to abuse and rape the country. Nobody thinks of feeding the system. Our conscience is mortgaged to money.
Dear Indians, The article is highly thought inductive, calls for a great deal of introspection and pricks one's conscience too…. I am echoing J. F. Kennedy's words to his fellow Americans to relate to Indians…..
Lets do what India needs from us.
APJ Abdul Kalam E-Mailing

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Anger is about Past
Anger is meaningless, because it is always about something that has
already passed.

Peaceful Radiation
When you meditate, it sends out such a peaceful radiation, waves of light, and then those who left their body, who have reached the other shore, get benefited from that. It's like a laser beam, laser light, reaching the other side where it is dark.

Ego is Complicated
Ego wants something which is very difficult. It doesn't recognize the
simplicity in life. Life is simple. Ego is very complicated.

Seeing God
The future is very comfortable. Glorifying the past is very comfortable.
Seeing God now, here, is difficult. Seeing God in yourself is even more

Fall in Love with a Flower
If you just fall in love with a flower, you go on appreciating it and go
deep into that, and you will see that flower dissolves into the formless.
You will see the space which is hiding deep inside that flower.

by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Thursday, May 12, 2011


“Power of Positivity

There once was a little boy who wanted to meet God. He knew it was a long trip to where God lived, so he packed his suitcase with cupcakes, several cans of root beer and started on his journey.

When he had gone about three blocks, he saw an elderly woman. She was sitting on a park bench watching the pigeons. The boy sat down next to her and opened his suitcase. He was about to take a drink from his root beer when he noticed the lady looked hungry so he offered her a cupcake. She gratefully accepted and smiled at him.

Her smile was so wonderful that he wanted to see it again, so he offered a root beer as well. Once again she smiled at him. The boy was delighted!
They sat there all afternoon eating and smiling without saying a word.

As it began to grow dark, the boy realized how tired he was and wanted to go home. He got up to leave but before he had gone no more than a few steps, he turned around and ran back to the old woman, giving her a big hug. She gave him her biggest smile ever.

When the boy arrived home his Mother was surprised by the look of joy on his face. She asked, what has made you so happy today He replied, I had lunch with God. Before his mother could respond he added, you know what she’s got the most beautiful smile in the whole world!

Meanwhile, the old woman, also radiant with joy, returned to her home. Her son was stunned by the look of peace on her face. He asked, Mother, what has made you so happy today she replied, I ate cupcakes in the park with God. And before her son could reply, she added, You know, he is much younger than I expected.

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring; all of which have the potential to turn a life around

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Do take time and Read this...................................



A Bitter Reality

As the dream of most parents I had acquired a degree in

Software Engineering and joined a company based in USA, the

land of braves and opportunity. When I arrived in the USA , it

was as if a dream had come true.

Here at last I was in the place where I want to be. I decided I

would be staying in this country for about Five years in which

time I would have earned enough money to settle down in India .

My father was a government employee and after his retirement,

the only asset he could acquire was a decent one bedroom flat.

I wanted to do some thing more than him. I started feeling

homesick and lonely as the time passed. I used to call home and

speak to my parents every week using cheap international phone

cards. Two years passed, two years of Burgers at McDonald's and

pizzas and discos and 2 years watching the foreign exchange

rate getting happy whenever the Rupee value went down.

Finally I decided to get married. Told my parents that I have

only 10 days of holidays and everything must be done within

these 10 days. I got my ticket booked in the cheapest flight.

Was jubilant and was actually enjoying hopping for gifts for

all my friends back home. If I miss anyone then there will be

talks. After reaching home I spent home one week going through

all the photographs of girls and as the time was getting

shorter I was forced to select one candidate.

In-laws told me, to my surprise, that I would have to get

married in 2-3 days, as I will not get anymore holidays. After

the marriage, it was time to return to USA , after giving some

money to my parents and telling the neighbors to look after

them, we returned to USA .

My wife enjoyed this country for about two months and then she

started feeling lonely. The frequency of calling India

increased to twice in a week sometimes 3 times a week. Our

savings started diminishing.

After two more years we started to

have kids. Two lovely kids, a boy and a girl, were gifted to us

by the almighty. Every time I spoke to my parents, they asked

me to come to India so that they can see their grand-children.

Every year I decide to go to India ... But part work part

monetary conditions prevented it. Years went by and visiting

India was a distant dream. Then suddenly one day I got a

message that my parents were seriously sick. I tried but I

couldn't get any holidays and thus could not go to India ... The

next message I got was my parents had passed away and as there

was no one to do the last rights the society members had done

whatever they could. I was depressed. My parents had passed

away without seeing their grand children.

After couple more years passed away, much to my children's

dislike and my wife's joy we returned to India to settle down.

I started to look for a suitable property, but to my dismay my

savings were short and the property prices had gone up during

all these years. I had to return to the USA ...

My wife refused to come back with me and my children refused to

stay in India ... My 2 children and I returned to USA after

promising my wife I would be back for good after two years.

Time passed by, my daughter decided to get married to an

American and my son was happy living in USA ... I decided that

had enough and wound-up every thing and returned to India ... I

had just enough money to buy a decent 02 bedroom flat in a

well-developed locality.

Now I am 60 years old and the only time I go out of the flat is

for the routine visit to the nearby temple. My faithful wife

has also left me and gone to the holy abode.

I wondered was it worth all this?

My father, even after staying in India ,

Had a house to his name and I too have

the same nothing more.

I lost my parents and children for just ONE EXTRA BEDROOM..

Looking out from the window I see a lot of children dancing.

This damned cable TV has spoiled our new generation and these

children are losing their values and culture because of it. I

get occasional cards from my children asking I am alright. Well

at least they remember me..

Now perhaps after I die it will be the neighbors again who will

be performing my last rights, God Bless them.

But the question
remains 'was all this worth it?'
I am still searching for an answer.................!!!


Try to know the real purpose of life :-( .......

Monday, April 18, 2011


Who Packs Your Parachutes?

Charles Plumb was a US Navy jet pilot in Vietnam. After 75 combat missions, his plane was destroyed by  a  surface-to-air  missile.  Plumb  ejected  and parachuted into enemy hands.
He  was  captured  and  spent  six  years  in  a communist  Vietnamese  prison.  He  survived  the ordeal  and  now  lectures  on  lessons  learned  from that experience.
One day, when Plumb and his wife were sitting in a restaurant,  a  man  at  another  table  came  up  and said, “You're Plumb! You flew jet fighters in Vietnam from the aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk. You were shot down!” “How in the world did you know that?” asked
Plumb. “I packed your parachute,” the man replied. Plumb gasped in surprise and gratitude. The man pumped his hand and  said,  “I  guess  it  worked!” Plumb assured him, “It sure did. If your chute had not worked, I would not be here today.”

Plumb could not sleep that night, thinking about that man.  Plumb says,  "I  kept  wondering  what  he  had looked like in a Navy uniform: a white hat; a bib in
the  back;  and  bell-bottom  trousers.  I wonder  how many times I might have seen him and not even said Good morning, how are you? or anything because, you  see,  I  was  a  fighter  pilot  and  he  was  just  a sailor.” Plumb  thought  of  the  many  hours  the  sailor  had spent at a long wooden table in the bowels of the ship, carefully weaving the shrouds and folding the silks of each chute, holding in his hands each time the fate of someone he didn't know.

Now,  Plumb  asks  his  audience,  “Who  is  packing your parachute?" Everyone  has  someone  who  provides  what  they need to make it through the day. He also points out that he needed many kinds of parachutes when his plane  was  shot  down  over  enemy  territory  he needed  his  physical  parachute,  his  mental parachute, his emotional parachute, and his spiritual parachute. He called on all these supports before reaching safety. Sometimes in the daily challenges that life gives us, we miss what is really important.

We  may  fail  to  say  hello,  please,  or  thank  you, congratulate someone on something wonderful that has happened to them, give a compliment, or just do something nice for no reason. As you go through this week, this month, this year, recognize people who pack your parachutes.



There was a farmer who grew superior quality and award-winning corn in his fields. Each year he participated in the state fair where corn grown by him won honor and prizes. One year a newspaper reporter interviewed him and learnt something interesting about how he grew it. The reporter discovered that the farmer shared his seed corn with his neighbors. How can you afford to share your best seed corn with your neighbors when they are competing with you in the same competition in each year? The reporter asked.

Why sir? Asked the farmer. Don’t you know? The wind picks up pollen from ripening corn and swirls it from field to field. If my neighbors grow inferior, sub-standard and poor quality corn, cross-pollination will steadily degrade the quality of my corn. If I am to grow good corn, I must help my neighbors grow good corn too. The farmer gave a superb insight into the connectedness of life. His corn cannot improve unless his neighbor’s corn also improves. So it is in the other dimensions.

Those who choose to be at harmony must help their neighbors and colleagues to be at peace. Those who choose to live well must help others to live well.


My Dearest Son........
My mom only had one eye. I hated her... She was such an embarrassment.
She cooked for students & teachers to support the family.
There was this one day during elementary school where my mom came to
Say hello to me.
I was so embarrassed.
How could she do this to me?
I ignored her, threw her a hateful look and ran out.
The next day at school one of my classmates said, "EEEE, your mom only
Has one eye!"
I wanted to bury myself.
I also wanted my mom to just disappear..
I confronted her that day and said, " If you're only gonna make me a
Laughing stock, why don't you just die?"
My mom did not respond....
I didn't even stop to think for a second about what I had said, because
I was full of anger.
I was oblivious to her feelings.
I wanted out of that house, and have nothing to do with her.
So I studied real hard, got a chance to go abroad to study.
Then, I got married.
I bought a house of my own.
I had kids of my own.
I was happy with my life, my kids and the comforts, Then one day, my
Mother came to visit me.
She hadn't seen me in years and she didn't even meet her
When she stood by the door, my children laughed at her, and I yelled at
Her for coming over uninvited.
I screamed at her, "How dare you come to my house and scare my
And to this, my mother quietly answered, "Oh, I'm so sorry. I may have
Gotten the wrong address,"
And she disappeared out of sight..
One day, a letter regarding a school reunion came to my house..
So I lied to my wife that I was going on a business trip.
After the reunion, I went to the old shack just out of curiosity.
My neighbors said that she died.
I did not shed a single tear..
They handed me a letter that she had wanted me to have..
"My dearest son,
I think of you all the time. I'm sorry that I came to your house and
Scared your children.
I was so glad when I heard you were coming for the reunion.
But I may not be able to even get out of bed to see you.
I'm sorry that I was a constant embarrassment to you when you were
Growing up.
You see.........when you were very little, you got into an accident, and
Lost your eye.
As a mother, I couldn't stand watching you
Having to grow up with one eye.
So I gave you mine.
I was so proud of my son who was seeing a whole new world for me, in my
Place, with that eye.
With all my love to you,
Your mother..

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


A Lesson to Teach

Her name was Mrs. Thompson. As she stood in front of her 5th grade class on the very first day of school, she told the children a lie.

Like most teachers, she looked at her students and said that she loved them all the same. But that was impossible, because there in the front row, slumped in his seat, was a little boy named Teddy Stoddard.

Mrs.Thompson had watched Teddy the year before and noticed that he didn't play well with the other children that his clothes were messy and that he constantly needed a bath. And Teddy could be unpleasant. It got to the point where Mrs.Thompson would actually take delight in marking his papers with a broad red pen, making bold X's and then putting a big "F" at the top of his papers.

At the school where Mrs. Thompson taught, she was required to review each child's past records and she put Teddy's off until last. However, when she reviewed his file, she was in for a surprise.

Teddy's first grade teacher wrote, "Teddy is a bright child with a ready laugh. He does his work neatly and has good manners... he is a joy to be around."

His second grade teacher wrote, "Teddy is an excellent student, well liked by his classmates, but he is troubled because his mother has a terminal illness and life at home must be a struggle."

His third grade teacher wrote, "His mother's death has been hard on him. He tries to do his best, but his father doesn't show much interest and his home life will soon affect him if some steps aren't taken."

Teddy's fourth grade teacher wrote, "Teddy is withdrawn and doesn't show much interest in school. He doesn't have many friends and he sometimes sleeps in class."

By now, Mrs. Thompson realized the problem and she was ashamed of herself. She felt even worse when her students brought her Christmas presents, wrapped in beautiful ribbons and bright paper, except for Teddy's. His present was clumsily wrapped in the heavy, brown paper that he got from a grocery bag.

Mrs. Thompson took pains to open it in the middle of the other presents. Some of the children started to laugh when she found a rhinestone bracelet with some of the stones missing, and a bottle that was one quarter full of perfume.

But she stifled the children's laughter when she exclaimed how pretty the bracelet was, putting it on, and dabbing some of the perfume on her wrist.

Teddy Stoddard stayed after school that day just long enough to say, "Mrs.Thompson, today you smelled just like my Mom used to," After the children left she cried for at least an hour. On that very day, she quit teaching reading, and writing, and arithmetic. Instead, she began to teach children.

Mrs. Thompson paid particular attention to Teddy. As she worked with him, his mind seemed to come alive. The more she encouraged him, the faster he responded.

By the end of the year, Teddy had become one of smartest children in the class and, despite her lie that she would love all the children the same, Teddy became one of her "teacher's pets."

A year later, she found a note under her door, from Teddy, telling her that she was still the best teacher he ever had in his whole life.

Six years went by before she got another note from Teddy. He then wrote that he had finished high school, third in his class, and she was still the best teacher he ever had in his whole life.

Four years after that, she got another letter, saying that while things had been tough at times, he'd stayed in school, had stuck with it, and would soon graduate from college with the highest of honors. He assured Mrs. Thompson that she was still the best and favorite teacher he ever had in his whole life.

Then four more years passed and yet another letter came. This time he explained that after he got his bachelor's degree, he decided to go a little further. The letter explained that she was still the best and favorite teacher he ever had. But now his name was a little longer -- the letter was signed, Theodore F. Stoddard, MD.

The story doesn't end there. You see, there was yet another letter that spring. Teddy said he'd met this girl and was going to be married. He explained that his father had died a couple of years ago and he was wondering if Mrs. Thompson might agree to sit in the place at the wedding that was usually reserved for the mother of the groom. Of course, Mrs.Thompson did.

And guess what? She wore that bracelet, the one with several rhinestones missing. And she made sure she was wearing the perfume that Teddy remembered his mother wearing on their last Christmas together. They hugged each other, and Dr. Stoddard whispered in Mrs.Thompson's ear, "Thank you Mrs. Thompson for believing in me. Thank you so much for making me feel important and showing me that I could make a difference."

Mrs. Thompson, with tears in her eyes, whispered back. She said, "Teddy, you have it all wrong. You were the one who taught me that I could make a difference. I didn't really know how to teach until I met you."

Please remember that wherever you go, and whatever you do, you will have the opportunity to touch and/or change a person's outlook.

Please try to do it in a positive way:
"Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly."

Monday, April 11, 2011


" When you give love and feel sense of loss, know that what you gave wasn't love.
As you give love freely, the love within you begins to grow and you experience infinite love."


Tuesday, March 22, 2011


It is always the false that makes you suffer, the false desires and fears, the false values and ideas, the false relationships between people.Abandon the false and you are free of pain; truth makes happy, truth liberates.

Nisargadatta Maharaj


Truth is an experience, not a belief.Truth never comes by studying about it, truth has to be encountered, truth has to be faced.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011


We always feel that God never comes in time when we call him, but the truth is , He is always in time, it's just that we are too much in hurry to see him.

Monday, March 7, 2011



One day I decided to quit...I quit my job, my relationships, my
spirituality..... I wanted to quite my life. I went to the woods to
have one last talk with God.

"God", I said, " Can you give me one good reason not to quit ?"

His answer surprised me. "Look around". He said, "Do you see the fern
and the bamboo?" "Yes," I replied.

"When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care
of them. I gave them light. I gave them water. Then fern quickly grew
from the earth. Its brilliant green covered the floor. Yet nothing
came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo."

"In the second year the fern grew more vibrant and plentiful. And
again, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the

"In year three, there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I
would not quit. The same thing happened in year four."

"Then in the fifth year, a tiny sprout emerged from the earth.
Compared to the fern, it was seemingly small and insignificant.

"But just six months later, the bamboo rose to over 100 feet.

It had spent the five years growing roots. Those roots made it strong
and gave it what it needed to survive. I would not give any of my
creations a challenge they could not handle."

"Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been struggling,
you have actually been growing roots ? I would not quit on the bamboo.
I will never quit on you."

"Don't compare yourself to others," He said. "The bamboo had a
different purpose than the fern. Yet they both make the forest

"Your time will come," God said to me. "You will rise high"

"How high should I rise?" I asked.

"How high will the bamboo rise?" He asked in return.

"As high as it can?" I questioned.

"Yes," He said, " Give me glory by rising as high as you can."

I left the forest, realizing that God will never give up on me. And he
will never give up on you.

Never regret a day in your life. Good days give you happiness; bad
days give you experiences. Both are essential to life.


My Loved One,

Lets Make a Better Self,

Follow Your Dreams...

There were once two brothers who lived on the 80th level. On coming
home one day, they realized to their dismay that the lifts were not
working and that they have to climb the stairs home.

After struggling to the 20th level, panting and tired, they decided to
abandon their bags and come back for them the next day. They left
their bags then and climbed on. When they have reached to the 40th
level, the younger brother started to grumble and both of them began
to quarrel. They continued to climb the flights of steps, quarreling
all the way to the 60th floor.

They then realized that they have only 20 levels more to climb and
decided to stop quarreling and continue climbing in peace. They
silently climbed on and reached their home at long last. Each stood
calmly before the door and waited for the other to open the door. And
they realized that the key was in their bags which was left on the
20th floor.

This story is reflecting on our life…many of us live under the
expectations of our parents, teachers and friends when young. We
seldom get to do the things that we really like and love and are under
so much pressure and stress  that by the age of 20, we get tired and
decide to dump this load.

Being free of the stress and pressure, we work enthusiastically and
dream ambitious wishes.
But by the time we reach 40 years old, we start to lose our vision and
dreams. We began to feel unsatisfied and start to complain and
criticize. We live life as a misery as we are never satisfied.
Reaching 60, we realize that we have little left for complaining
anymore, and we began to walk the final episode in peace and calmness.

We think that there is nothing left to disappoint us, only to realize
that we could not rest in peace because we have an unfulfilled dream
…… a dream
we abandoned 60 years ago.

Follow your dreams, so that you will not live with regrets

Thursday, March 3, 2011


What  a beautiful thought...!

"Words are under your control until you speak them, but you come under their control once you have spoken them"..

Monday, February 14, 2011


There are two types of respect.The first is respect that comes too you because of your position, fame, or wealth. This type of respect is impermanent. It can be lost once you loose your wealth or status. The second type of respect comes because of your smile and your virtues such as honesty, kindness, commitment and patience. This respect no one can take away.

The less you are attached to your virtues, the more self-respect you have. When you get attached to your virtues, you disdain others and then your virtues start diminishing. Non-attachment to virtues brings the highest self-respect.

Ego is often confused with self-esteem.Ego needs another for  comparison, but self-esteem is just confidence in oneself.For example, a gentleman claiming that he is skilled in mathematics or geography has self-esteem.But to say, "I know better than you," is ego.

Ego simply means lack of respect for the Self. Your ego will often leave you upset but if you have self-esteem you will be unshaken by external factors. In self-respect everything is a game, winning or losing has no meaning, every step is joy and every move is a celebration. With Self-esteem you simply realize that you have it.

talk by H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Before you pray, Forgive...
Before you criticize,Wait...
Before you speak, Listen...
Before you spend, Earn...
Before you write, Think...
Before you quit, Try...
Before you die, Live
Live this life completely......


If you cannot find the brighter side of life, then just polish the darker side. Attitude of adjustment is the best instrument for a happy life.


We always work for making a better tomorrow. When tomorrow comes, we again start thinking for another better tomorrow....tomorrow never comes...and we lose our today.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Why do we fall in love?
Experience ki kami...

Why do we break off in love?
Patience ki kami...

Then why do we want to fall in love again?
Obviously....Dimaag ki kami...


Words which will make you think..

Day be day nothing changes, but when you look back everything is different..!r


Beauty of belief in God...

"If he does'nt give me when I ask, Surely he will give me when I need."


Someone said,

"Explain less to people whom you love most, because if they cannot understand your silence, they can never understand your words."


Three nice stories.

Once all villagers decided to pray for rain,on the day of prayer all people gathered and only one boy came with an umbrella. THATS FAITH.

When u throw a baby in the air, the baby laughs because he/she knows you will catch him/her. THATS TRUST.

Every night we go to bed, we have no assurance that we will wake up the next morning but still we have plans for tomorrow. THATS HOPE.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Being frank is always better than falsely sweet, because..By being frank in life, we may get lots of true enemies but surely not untrue friends.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


God asked,

"What is forgiveness?"

A little girl gave lovely reply,

"It is a wonderful fruit that a true gives when it is hurt by a stone".


* If you are negatively attached to something, your attachment will go on deepening, it will never end.

*By being positively attached, there is a possibility of its ending, as experience liberates.

* Whatsoever God has given to you, accept it as a gift.Go into it consciously, and learn from it.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Blessed are those who don't see a mistake as a mistake!However, it is hard not to see your own mistake. Outwardly, you may justify yourself to prove your innocence to someone else, but a mistake pricks your conscience. Do not justify yourself. Instead, feel the prick of the mistake. That very pinch will take you out of the mistake.

'Sorry ' is a word of five letters,that when said sincerely, can remove anger, guilt, hatred and distance.

a small part of the talk by H.H.Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Saturday, January 8, 2011


"Quitting does not always mean that you are a loser.Sometimes it means that you have learned to let go things that are not meant for you."