“If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.” - A.A.Milne, Winnie the Pooh
Thanx to my compulsive nature of reading,observing,I oftn come across some beautiful words and thots which certainly should be shared with more people.No doubts,views on any sbjct may differ and remains personal to an individual from the other.Nevertheless,here comes few drops of my picking from the vast ocean of wise and warm words.Some may contradict each other in present dias,but the idea is simple-collecting and showcasing the thoughts.Hope,it proves beneficial and engaging in a way or other
"When a man dwells on the objects of sense he creates an attraction for them, attraction develops into desire and desire breeds anger" -- A quote from Bhagwad Gita
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Friday, January 25, 2013
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Discourse by OSHO
Question - I feel a lot of Hate inside me. What
can I do about it?
Osho - Doing will not help. You cannot do
anything about it because the problem is very delicate. If you begin to do
something about your hatefulness, that means that you will have begun to hate
your hatefulness. The mechanism is very delicate. One can be angry towards one’s
anger and one can be hateful towards one’s hatefulness, and you can fight it but
you will not win because the disease has gone one step deeper.
Don’t do anything. Just be aware of it. Whenever you
feel hate, just be aware of it. Feel what this hatefulness is, feel the fact of
it. Don’t try to escape from it. Even your doing can become an escape. If I am
angry and I begin to do something about the anger, then I am not concerned with
the anger itself but with doing something about it. My perception has changed:
my awareness of the anger is no longer there but rather the effort to do
something about it has taken its place. This is not good, this is not the way,
because then the anger will be suppressed.
So if you feel hatred, anger, greed, or anything,
don’t try to do something right away, just be aware of it. First see the
ugliness of it, see the poisonousness of it, see what it is. Once you see what
hate is in its totality, it will drop by itself. Hatred can continue only if you
have not known it in its totality.
It is just like a snake crossing your path. The
moment you become aware that the snake is there, you jump. That jump is not
something which you have to think about, decide about or choose to do; it
happens. When you become aware of the snake, the jump happens. In the same way,
when you become aware of your hate, the jump happens; no planning is
The first thing to remember is this: don’t condemn
anything; rather, become more aware of the fact of it. Whenever it appears, be
aware of it; meditate on it. The second thing, which is even more subtle, is
your thinking, ”I feel hatred inside me. I feel anger and greed and ego.” This
again is a very deceptive trick of the mind, a very cunning trick, because then,
in a very subtle way, you have separated yourself from the hatred. You are
saying, ”I see hatred in me, I see greed in me. The greed is something which is
in me, it is not me. I am not greed, I am not hatred, I am not anger. It is
something accidental, something foreign that is inside me.”
This is how the mind thinks and how language deceives
us. Language says, ”There is anger in me,” but this is not the fact. When you
are angry it is not that anger is in you... you are hate. There cannot be two
entities there, only one. Either hate can be present or you can be present, but
both cannot be present. If you are there then hate will dissolve; if hate is
there then you are not there.
Move existentially not linguistically. Language
creates many problems. Because of the construction of the language we acquire a
very unrealistic attitude toward things. For example, when you are angry, there
is no ”I” to whom anger is happening. There is only anger; you are dissolved in
it; you are not.
Go into the problem existentially. When there is
hate, become aware of whether you are there or only the hate is there. Then a
very subtle change happens in your consciousness. Once you begin to be aware of
whether ”I am” or hate is, your consciousness begins to emerge. And the more
conscious you become, the more the hatred will dissolve. Both cannot exist
simultaneously. Hate is possible only when one is unconscious: not conscious,
not mindful, not alert.
When hate has gone, anger has gone, violence has
gone, and you think about it retrospectively it becomes part of your memory. Now
you can divide yourself from it. You are separate from the anger and the anger
is separate from you. Now it is part of your memory. This is how the linguistic
fallacy I was talking about is supported by your experience.
You were angry a moment ago, now you are not – the
anger has gone. You are separate from the anger: you are one thing, the anger is
something different – the anger has become part of your memory. Now there are
two things: the memory of your past experience of anger, and you.
But in the act of anger itself, there was only one
thing: you were anger. So whenever there is hate, feel it deeply. Be aware of
it: you have become hate, you are hate. This awareness will change the whole
The day this awareness comes to you, hate will
dissolve, because for you to coexist with hatred or anger or greed is not
possible. Awareness means a conscious mind, and anger, hate, and greed are
possible only in a very unconscious, sleepy state of mind. Be more and more
alert – and not retrospectively, because that is useless, it is a waste of
energy. When anger is there, when hate is there, in that very moment close your
eyes and meditate on whether you are or only the anger is.
Your first realization will be that only anger is.
Where are you? You are not. Your whole energy has become anger, the whole of you
has become hate. Sometimes lovers feel that when love is there, they are not. To
feel this in love is easy because love is gratifying, but to feel it in hate is
difficult because hate is not gratifying. Lovers, deep lovers, have felt that it
is not that they ”love” – love is not an activity – rather, they have become
When you love someone you become love. When you hate
someone you become hate. But if you just remain yourself, then you can neither
love nor hate in the ordinary way. That is why we say that someone has fallen in
love. The phenomenon of love is a falling down, and falling in love means that
you lose consciousness of yourself because of love. Lovers look mad to those who
are not in love. They are! You cannot communicate with them, they are not in
their senses. They are not, really; the whole energy has become love; they are
identified with it completely. There is no witness to the phenomenon of
The same happens in hate. Love and hate are alike,
because it is the same energy inverted. When you are in love you are madly
attracted, when you are in hate you are madly repulsed. When you are in love,
when you have become attracted to someone, you lose your center, your self, and
someone else becomes the center. When you hate someone, the same thing happens:
someone repulses you; you are not at the center, you lose consciousness of
yourself, and someone else becomes the center.
Remember this – not retrospectively but in the very
moment of the happening. When you feel that hate is there, close your eyes,
forget the situation outside, and be conscious of what is happening inside you.
The whole energy has become hate. If you watch it, then suddenly part of the
energy will begin to transform itself into awareness. A pillar of consciousness
will arise out of the chaos of hate or love or whatever. And the more the pillar
arises, the more the chaos inside will drop and disappear. Then, when you feel
that you are, you will notice that hate is no longer there: you become a self, a
center; the other can no longer be the center which either attracts or
This meditation has to be done at the very moment of
the happening. Then you will be a different person altogether. Not that you will
have conquered your hatred, not that you will have a controlled mind. Now you
will be a consciousness, a light unto yourself. Because of this light, darkness
will have become impossible. Now you are a conscious being. Hate has become
impossible because hate needs your unconsciousness as its basic
This must be understood very distinctly and clearly:
hate needs your unconsciousness. That is the food for hate, that is where hate
gets its strength. So don’t do anything about hate, just do something about your
consciousness. Become more conscious of your acts, of your thoughts, of your
moods – of whatever happens. A conscious being is neither hateful nor
That is why we have used different words in talking
about Buddha. We could say that Buddha loves everyone, but then the word would
carry the same meaning that we ordinarily associate with it. Buddha cannot love
you because he cannot hate you. He cannot be repulsed by you and he cannot be
attracted by you either; in both cases, the other is the center. Buddha is not
love but compassion, and the difference is very deep.
When you feel compassion, you remain the center; you
can be neither repulsed nor attracted. It is a very neutral state. The other
will feel very deeply that you love him, but.... If you come to a Buddha, you
may feel that he loves you. That is your freedom. At any moment you can also
feel that he hates you. That is also your freedom. It is your projection that he
loves or hates. In fact, he neither loves nor hates; he remains himself, and the
compassion flows.
See the difference? If you are not in this room, I
cannot love you nor can I hate you. If I want to hate you I must have an object
to hate, so if you are not here I will have to imagine that you are here. Love
stops when the loved one is absent and hate stops when the enemy is not there.
If they are absent, you make them present in your imagination.
Compassion means that even if there is no one there,
Buddha will still be compassionate. It is not because of his imagination; it is
his natural state. Just as a river flows, Buddha is compassionate. The other is
not a part of it at all, the other is not the center, he himself remains the
When one becomes a center, when one becomes
crystallized, there is neither repulsion nor attraction to anyone. This creates
a deeper problem because it means that you cannot go beyond hate unless you go
beyond love. Everyone wants to go beyond hate, but no one wants to go beyond
love. But that creates an impossible situation for you because hate is a part of
the one phenomenon of repulsion and attraction.
How can you just be in love, how can you be attracted
to everything? We go on trying to love in many, many ways, but the only easy way
is to hate one person and to love someone else. That is the easy way. You make
one person your enemy and another person your friend.
Then you can be at ease, you can love. You can be
attracted to A and be repulsed by B. This is one way. Another way, even more
complicated, is to hate the same person that you love. This, too, we do. In the
morning we love, in the afternoon we hate, and at night we love again. Every
lover goes on continuously moving between hate and love, attraction and
repulsion. Freud has said, and said very truly, that you have to hate the same
person that you love – it cannot be otherwise.
This becomes more and more true as we get rid of all
the scapegoats that we have had for our hatred. You could love your country and
hate another country; you could love your religion and hate another religion
because, if you love someone or something, you have to balance that love with
hate. In the old days this was easy, the balance was there, but now the
humanitarians, the utopians, have destroyed all our scapegoats. Soon the world
may be so united that there will be only one nation, only one race. Then one
thing will have to become the object of both love and hate.
This duality is a natural thing. If you love, then
you have to hate. There are people who go on preaching: ”Love the whole world!”
But you cannot love the world unless you discover another world to hate. I don’t
think this planet Earth can become one until we discover enemies on some other
planet. The moment we discover an enemy somewhere – and we are trying very hard
to find one – then the whole world can become one.
When India is fighting Pakistan, there is no fighting
within India; India becomes one. There is a very deep patriotic feeling for
India because now that love balances the hatred toward Pakistan. But when there
is no war, then Hindus fight Mohammedans, and Brahmins fight Sudras, one state
fights another state, one party fights another party... and the thing goes on.
But if there is an enemy somewhere, then the whole nation becomes
This whole earth cannot become one unless we have
another planet to fight. Even a rumor would help. Linus Pauling, a great
scientist, a Nobel laureate, once suggested that it would be good to create a
world-wide rumor through the United Nations that Martians were about to attack
the earth, and have scientists from all over the world support the rumor; then
there would be no fighting on earth. And he is right. As man is, it would be a
good thing. Lies may help. The truth has not helped yet.
With love, hate will be there and you will have to
find some object to focus it on. So the more you love, the more you will be
hateful. That is the price one has to pay. Remember this: either love and hate
go together or neither of them is there at all.
Hate will disappear not by your doing anything, but
by being more aware, more conscious, more alert. Become a conscious being and
you will be at your center, and no one will be able to take you away from your
Right now, anyone can do it. Some do it by love and
some do it by hate, but anyone can take you away from your center. You have no
center really, only a bogus center which is just waiting for anyone to come and
take you away from it. Consciousness means centering, being continuously
centered inside. Then both love and hate disappear. Only when both disappear are
you at peace.
And really, their symptoms are so alike. When you are
in deep hate you cannot sleep, and when you are in deep love you cannot sleep.
When you are in deep love your blood pressure rises, and when you are in deep
hate your blood pressure rises. All the symptoms are the same: you become tense.
When someone is in love he becomes tired, exhausted, and bored by the ordinary
things – just as in hate. Both are tensions, both are diseases.
When I say ”disease,” I am using the literal meaning
of the word: dis-ease. You cannot be at ease either in love or in hate, you can
only be at ease if there is nothing inside you, neither love nor hate. Then you
remain in yourself, alone in your consciousness. You exist without anyone else,
the other has become irrelevant: you are centered.
Then, compassion will happen. It is a happening that
follows once centering is there. Compassion is neither love nor hate, it is
neither attraction nor repulsion, it is a totally different dimension. It is
just being yourself, moving according to yourself, living according to yourself.
Many may be attracted to you, many may be repulsed by you, but these are just
their projections – it is their problem. You can laugh about it and remain
Source - Osho Book "The Great Challenge"
Sunday, January 20, 2013
I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see.
John Burroughs
John Burroughs
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Expression of love is service, expression of joy is your smile, expression of peace is meditation, expressing God is conscious action
-Shri Shri Ravi Shankar
Friday, January 18, 2013
"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of
our friends."
- Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968)
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Ego is nothing but identification of oneself with their body than soul.
The Supreme God, The Supreme Spirit, The Supreme Consciousness by His Supreme Power of "Maya" has created these innumerable forms. All these forms appear in "Time and Space" as real but these forms are only real in the realm of "Maya" which is the illusive energy of God. These different created beings which embody a "Body", perceive themselves to be a single individual entity different from other beings, though only one universal soul pervades within them. One feels oneself different than others, one feels one's different identity only through the Ego which is a component of Nature (Maya).
In this time and space creation of God, it is the consciousness of ego only, what has made a human being to forget this supreme knowledge of Universal all pervasive Soul. Under the influence of ego only a human being forgets the truth about God & thinks his/her identity to be different than others & supreme. Ego has come into being only through God only to produce delusion in this universe. Once a person knows to have this knowledge of God, this delusion of "Maya" disappears & that person becomes one with God again.
Here below are verses from "Bhagwat Gita" which describe about the nature of this "Maya", nature of this Ego & how it is the power / illusive energy of God only which deludes human beings & puts a veil of ignorance on human mind. This veil of ignorance just disappears from the human mind once he / she starts having faith in God & have devotion in that Almighty. God himself in below verses is declaring that one who is engaged in pure devotional service goes beyond this illusion of "Maya" / "Ego" easily & attains to God in no time.
Source..Bhagwad Gita
Ego is nothing but identification of oneself with their body than soul.
The Supreme God, The Supreme Spirit, The Supreme Consciousness by His Supreme Power of "Maya" has created these innumerable forms. All these forms appear in "Time and Space" as real but these forms are only real in the realm of "Maya" which is the illusive energy of God. These different created beings which embody a "Body", perceive themselves to be a single individual entity different from other beings, though only one universal soul pervades within them. One feels oneself different than others, one feels one's different identity only through the Ego which is a component of Nature (Maya).
In this time and space creation of God, it is the consciousness of ego only, what has made a human being to forget this supreme knowledge of Universal all pervasive Soul. Under the influence of ego only a human being forgets the truth about God & thinks his/her identity to be different than others & supreme. Ego has come into being only through God only to produce delusion in this universe. Once a person knows to have this knowledge of God, this delusion of "Maya" disappears & that person becomes one with God again.
Here below are verses from "Bhagwat Gita" which describe about the nature of this "Maya", nature of this Ego & how it is the power / illusive energy of God only which deludes human beings & puts a veil of ignorance on human mind. This veil of ignorance just disappears from the human mind once he / she starts having faith in God & have devotion in that Almighty. God himself in below verses is declaring that one who is engaged in pure devotional service goes beyond this illusion of "Maya" / "Ego" easily & attains to God in no time.
Source..Bhagwad Gita
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Whenever there is love you will be a king. And then you are free — because it is a question of love; it does not depend on her. Whenever there is love you will be a king; whenever there is not love you will be a beggar. It is love that gives you the glory. Yes, the love has come through her window; it can come through any other window. It can simply shower on you without anybody. It simply needs understanding — that it is love, not the person. The person is instrumental. Then you are not imprisoning the person. Love cannot be imprisoned and there is no need to imprison it. Love is your song — you can sing it any time. It is like breathing. Nobody is going to take it away from you; nobody can take it away from you.Love should be without any expectations; otherwise laughter dies. When you expect, frustration comes in. Nobody can fulfill your expectations, and there is nobody who needs to fulfill them. They come out of a mad, neurotic mind. If somebody fulfills them then too love disappears. Then the other becomes a necessity, a need, a possession — a valuable possession but a possession all the same.
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